Public administration bulletin boards

* App is in Czech

Web app for searching in public administration bulletin boards GitHub

Web application made as part of my Bachelor thesis. It uses data form public administration bulletin boards published as open data in Czech Open Data Catalogue to create user friendly visualization.

App enables to filter bulletin boards based on name and category and visualizes information from selected bulletin board. It also validates the data.

Application connects multiple sources of open data to visualize on the map and show statistics.

  • Technology: TypeScript, React, SPARQL, Mapbox GL

  • Deployed on GitHub Pages here

Web crawler

Web crawler with a graph visualization and GraphQL API Github

Web crawler that lets user set up URLs to crawl with boundary RegEx. Server crawls URLs periodicaly. Crawled data can be displayed as a graph visualization in the web application or acquired from a GraphQL API. Application is deployed using Docker.

Team project for a university course. I was in charge of the frontend but also took part in the backend.

  • Technology:
    • Frontend: TypeScript, React, D3.js
    • Backend: TypeScript, Node.js, Express, Postgres
    • Docker

Address book

Backend for a simple app for storing contact information GitHub

REST API and implementation of an app for storing contacts. It uses Postgres for storing user profile data and Firebase for storing contacts. Users are authenticated using JWT.

  • Technology:
    • Backend: Node.js, TypeScript, JWT
    • Database: Postgres, TypeORM, Firestore
    • Deployment: Docker, Azure

Election results map

Utility to include a map with election results to articles GitHub Used here

Semester project made for Český Rozhlas (Czech national radio). It is a JavaScript utility that alows to embed an interactive map, that shows parliamentary election results, into articles.